documenta 14

The Art of the Possible: With and Against documenta 14

by Andrew Stefan Weiner

The obvious reason that some critics have cast Szymczyk and his team as morally superior “social justice warriors” is that it is much easier to fling stereotypes than it is to work through the complex implications of the fundamental message that this documenta means to communicate. At the core of this sprawling, wildly ambitious, sometimes incoherent, but certainly worthwhile exhibition lies a deceptively simple proposition: that art can and should serve the cause of justice, but not always in the ways we might expect.
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Momentum 9

Momentum 9 Trailer

The ninth edition of the Momentum Biennial (M9) takes the notion of alienation as its starting point. In the term alienation the curators refer to a contemporary world where alien processes and entities are becoming an integrated part of our lives through technological, ecological and social transformations.
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Winter in America: The 2017 Whitney Biennial

by Andrew Stefan Weiner

It might be that some degree of controversy at the Whitney Biennial is inevitable, given its oft-stated ambition to somehow “take the temperature” of contemporary American art. Yet to agree to this objective is first of all to admit that such a thing is even possible and furthermore that it is desirable, when in fact neither of these points is exactly self-evident. Why shouldn’t some Biennials be more limited and thematic, rather than comprehensive?
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The Biennial Condition

Stages #6: The Biennial Condition

Featuring contributions from artists, curators and researchers, Stages #6 presents the proceedings from Liverpool Biennial’s 2016 conference The Biennial Condition: On Contemporaneity and the Episodic. It brings together the curatorial thinking behind the 2016 Biennial with ideas from Aarhus University’s research project The Contemporary Condition. The issue reflects on biennials both as the privileged site for the production of contemporaneity in art and exhibition making, and as episodic instances of contemporary art on a global scale.
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MiArt Talks

Biennial Foundation at MiArt

The Biennial Factor: Impacting the Context
Friday 31 March 2017, 1pm

Talk featuring: Douglas Fogle, Independent Curator and Writer, Los Angeles; Rafal Niemojewski, Director, Biennial Foundation, New York; Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, Partner, OMA/AMO, Rotterdam; moderated by Stefano Baia Curioni, Associate Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management, Bocconi University, Milan.

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Contemporary Art Biennial as a Site Specific Event: Local versus Global

Edited by Daiva Citvarienė

The tension between the locality of the region and the globality of the art world remains a key aspect of contemporary art biennials. In order to once again reflect on the phenomenon of global culture, this publication dedicated to the 10th Kaunas Biennial presents articles and interviews from Lithuanian and international art historians, curators and culture managers analysing the paradox of locality vs. globality in the history of the phenomenon of biennials.
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India’s Biennale Effect: A politics of contemporary art

Edited by Robert E. D’Souza, Sunil Manghani

This book is more than a source for ‘India’s first biennale’. It is a thoughtful, revisionist consideration of the received accounts of ‘biennale culture’, as it has been articulated in The Biennale Reader, and by writers such as Hans Belting, Jacques Rancière, and Nicholas Mirzoeff.
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