11th Gwangju Biennale: A field report, or ‘what do biennials do?’

by Shwetal A. Patel

Amidst atmospheres of uncertainty and infrastructural precarity, the number and scale of biennales has seen an exponential increase over the last 30 years. The Gwangju Biennale – Asia’s largest and longest running – is no exception to this phenomenon. It has in recent years mounted ever more expansive and ambitious exhibitions and public programmes, curated by many of the world’s leading artistic protagonists. This year’s instantiation, under the direction of Maria Lind, revels in and reflects upon these dual trends of expansion and uncertainty.
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View of Nikos Charalambidis' Carnival Pause (2006) at the 27th São Paulo Biennial

Introducing Biennialgram

Introducing B I E N N I A L G R A M

Have you recently visited a biennial or art festival?

Have you seen an artwork or exhibition so amazing that you told all your friends “you HAVE to see this!”? Have you attended a conference or lecture related to biennials that that shouldn’t have been missed?

You can now share your experience with Biennial Foundation’s audience – more than 60,000 monthly readers around the globe. Your report, review or reflection may be published on Biennial Foundation website and BF Facebook page.

Your Biennialgram can be a short text (in English, max. 750 words) accompanied with photos or short videos, a photo set, or even a single photo with caption. Please don’t be shy – our Editor will help you in case English is not your first language. Every week a selection of best submissions will be featured on our front page, so start submitting today!

Please send your submission to: [email protected] including details of the event featured in your Biennialgram, your name, and, optionally, your twitter handle, instagram username or personal url. If you are submitting a text, please also include your short bio (max. 35 words).

Please note that by submitting your text and visuals, you grant us permission and rights to edit, feature and promote uploaded content. You will always be attributed as the original author.
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