
Contour Biennale 10 to be curated by collective Auguste Orts

Auguste Orts

08.09.23 – 05.11.23


Since 2003, the Contour Biennale for the Moving Image has occupied a distinct position in the visual arts in Belgium, with a fame that resounds far beyond the national borders. Focusing on screen works, the 8-week exhibition in the historic center of Mechelen also offers installations, sound works and live arts. C0N10UR is produced and presented by nona arts centre. Its 10th anniversary edition runs from September 8 to November 5 in 2023 and is curated by Auguste Orts.

During C0N10UR, the five Auguste Orts’ artists will not present their own screen works. Instead, they will plug into the rich Belgian ecosystem of artists’ film practices and contribute to its sustainable development by supporting new screen works that will be able to lead their lives well after the 8-week span of the actual exhibition. Orts resolutely opts for local embedding: the core artists of diverse origins invited to this festive Contour edition reside in Belgium. Multiplicity is essential to this exhibition project: a gathering of artists and works in which different generations can coincide and various forms and formats of the moving image can enter into the conversation.

C0N10UR is staking on an ongoing dialogue with the artists, organisations, institutions and all actors involved. The biennial builds upon its experience with creative production deployed for an extended period of time. The curators of this edition show a clear passion for the moving image and the visual arts, a love for cinema and its audiences, as well as for the performing arts and live music, both central to the regular program of the nona arts centre. Throughout a full and varied program, C0N10UR aims at putting a poetics as well as a politics of the moving image front and centre.

Read more about Contour Biennale